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Alt 28.01.2018, 17:44   #1
weiblich Colorednote
Benutzerbild von Colorednote
Dabei seit: 12/2017
Alter: 24
Beiträge: 7

Standard Nitrogen

Everything has been hurting a little too much and a little too long
The quieter I am, the louder it gets in my head
But I doubt you're willing to hear my thoughts,
I just can't help noticing how happy everyone else is
And how empty and sad I've always been
Sometimes we just do things we've talked ourselves into
believing it would be the best thing to do

I'm barely breathing
With a broken heart that's still beating
I'm just trying to sleep.
Before I sink in too deep
But how am I supposed to sleep when I don't have dreams
I tried to be heaven, but all that happened was the falling of the stars.
Because the sky is so tragically beautiful, a graveyard full of scars
Next time I open up to someone it's my autopsy.

Do I dare to disturb the universe
When emotions are only temporary
I just wanted you to know that nothing feels right anymore,
And you meant to me, don't say nothing if there's something.
I'm ready to face the truth now, to let it change me.
Accepting to let it break me
Cause it was my fault
no matter how much I made you feel it was yours.

I will wait, seething, blooming
Time is tough, but I am tougher
I will be fine
Isn't that what everyone always preaches

I'm barely breathing
With a broken heart that's still beating
I'm just trying to sleep.
Before I sink in too deep
But how am I supposed to sleep when I don't have dreams
I tried to be heaven, but all that happened was the falling of the stars.
Because the sky is so tragically beautiful, a cemetery full of scars
Next time I open up to someone, it's my autopsy.

I will wait, seething, blooming
Time is strong, but I am stronger
I will be alright
Isn't that what everyone always preaches
What everyone always says
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