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Gefühlte Momente und Emotionen Gedichte über Stimmungen und was euch innerlich bewegt.

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Alt 27.11.2015, 00:58   #1
männlich Melancholyac
Dabei seit: 11/2015
Alter: 31
Beiträge: 2

Standard Just a Shadow

Hallo liebe Forenmitglieder ich bin neu hier und schreibe meistens nur in englischer Sprache. Ich hoffe es gefällt euch trotzdem. Der folgende Text ist vielleicht eher Lyrik als Gedicht und schon ein bisschen älter, aber trotzdem eins meiner liebsten Werke:

Just a shadow (2010)

I follow myself. Dark, without any weight.
I’m caught at the surface unable to walk.
I’m gliding about any ground. I can see myself,
I touch it but it is still out of my range.
I can’t reach myself.

My former self is talking, slowly and quietly.
Asking the bus driver for the ticket prizes.
Then heading to the next seat. You are worried.
Subconsciously looking round the bus. You turn left
glancing through the window at the gleaming sun.
I’m to your right side, gliding above the asphalt, grey,
a tiny little bit darker than the road. The cars are rushing
over my head. I’m confused by the movement. I can see
you quietly feeling the same. You are confused by all the
worries rushing like cars through you mind. Your face looks
kind of worried while you are looking around unable to
comprehend what is happening in your environment.
Subconsciously. I can’t see the sun. I’m hidden behind you,
unable to make any active move.

As you get out of the bus, heading home, it’s getting darker
outside. I start to shiver. I follow you. I have to. You go upstairs.
You turn off the lights of your room. As it gets darker I start to
Disappear. Getting covered by the darkness in you room.
You sleep. I’m gone. Now we are one. Now I can think:
“I am just a shadow of my former self.”
Melancholyac ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 27.11.2015, 01:05   #2
männlich Melancholyac
Dabei seit: 11/2015
Alter: 31
Beiträge: 2

Ich fürchte ich habe mich nicht gut genug eingelesen.. kann ein Admin das vielleicht in einen passenden Thread verschieben?
Melancholyac ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

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