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Alt 29.10.2015, 00:55   #1
Dabei seit: 05/2015
Beiträge: 22

Standard Freindship (a short story)

‘Believe me, I wasn’t going to take the blame,’ Michael assured for the third time, as if repeating those words could change anything.
‘I know, dude, I will always believe you,’ Sam replied.
They had met on a birthday-party, five years ago, and had been best friends and roommates ever since. Michael’s life had never been an easy one. He had met the wrong people, brought home the wrong girls, and eventually, he had fallen into a vicious circle of criminal meaninglessness.
‘You’re all I have left now, Sammy,’ he said with a low voice.
‘And I will never leave you!’ Sam tried to cheer him up. ‘You’re my best friend, and I love you!’
‘Okay, okay! I love you, too.’
‘Now get up and let’s have something to eat.’
‘I really love you, Sam, and I’m sorry for everything,’ Michael said, but he didn’t get up.
They were sitting on the bathroom floor, and Michael had just told him the story of how the people he had trusted had blamed him for the death of the shopkeeper they had robbed.
Sam laid down, and placed his head on his friend’s lap. They were silent for a long time, until all of a sudden the door flew open and three policemen rushed into the room. Sam jumped on his feet, alarmed.
‘Leave this place immediately!’ he yelled at them. ‘You have no right to be here!’
But they didn’t listen. One of the men only grabbed him and pulled him aside, while another one went over to Michael.
‘We found him,’ he said to a tiny black box in his hand. ‘But it seems we’re too late. This guy’s as dead as disco. Looks like an overdose. No. No, it’s only the boy and his dog. Yeah, go tell the mother. I'll send the Deputy with the dog.’
Sam noticed how someone attached the leash to his collar, and suddenly, he got dragged out of the bathroom.
‘No, leave me alone!’ he cried, getting more and more desperate, the further they pulled him away. ‘Please, Michael! Tell them to let go of me! I want to stay with you! I love you, Michael, I love you!’
But no one cared for his words.
The door got closed and Sam never saw his best friend again.

Vielleicht bin ich hier fehl am Platz, aber ich weiß nie so recht, wo ich englischsprachige Kurzgeschichten unterbringen soll.
Ich freue mich über jedes Feedback (zur Geschichte, nicht zur Platzierung derselbigen )
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