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Internationale Gedichte Sämtliche nicht-deutschsprachige Gedichte.

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Alt 13.05.2015, 11:38   #1
männlich Shikatsuki
Benutzerbild von Shikatsuki
Dabei seit: 09/2012
Ort: 96179
Alter: 29
Beiträge: 8

Standard Break up...

Once we were together,
we were strong,
but had nowhere to belong,
so it changed to him and her.

We tried to fight together,
and believed it was right to trust,
soon you said: “I love you, it´s just..“,
so it changed to him and her.

We loved each other,
nothing was wrong, nothing forbidden,
and now I search for your love..it´s hidden,
so it changed to him and her.

Tight I held you,
when the times were bad,
now your words just make me sad,
I thought I knew.

So finally when you made your decision,
you said:“leave me alone“,
that was what you´ve shown,
though I went into revision.

I tried to hold you close,
but you crushed my dreams,
it is nothing as it seems,
it´s what you chose.

My life has now to go on,
but nothing is as it was before,
it wasn´t honest what you swore,
now I got to vanish, I´ll be gone.
Shikatsuki ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 15.05.2015, 10:30   #2
männlich Ex-Poesieger
Dabei seit: 11/2009
Beiträge: 7.220

But only to the next Level. Beautifully put. How blind we are, but somewhere you need a fix to wrap around all the contradictory Feelings.

Cheers Rob!
Ex-Poesieger ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

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