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Internationale Gedichte Sämtliche nicht-deutschsprachige Gedichte.

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Alt 25.10.2012, 10:34   #1
männlich Vpeace
Dabei seit: 10/2012
Ort: Forst
Alter: 44
Beiträge: 90

Standard Wrong Strength

Life is crazy if you see tehe game
wich is played everyvere for the price of the fame
just pray you do not see what i have seen
it makes you think you are mad
but its the sin that is the blade
what may it be that takes the sharpness
and away the peoples fareness

There is no way to make this game
cause if you are the winner
you are mentally lame
just surrender and take what you need the last position
that makes you bleed

you loved someone you couldnt reach
this anger shows in every speech
you´ve been so weak and than so strong
but everything that you did was wrong
you are the most loved but you cannot feel
what actually means that nothing is real
everything becomes part of the game
and every day is just the same
all you want to be is a part
but your pride makes the last step hard

There is no way to make this game
cause if you are the winner
you are mentally lame
just surrender and take what you need the last position
that makes you bleed

You have beenin love god took away
so you act cold like ice every day
the hate you show thw people is actually hate
hate against yourself because you stay in the shade
you say you thank god but thats a lie
if you dont mean it dont even trie
Just make the last step show your hate
by choosing the death by gods blade
No matter what you say wich story you choose
the people who follow love the devil and loose

There is no way to make this game
cause if you are the winner
you are mentally lame
just surrender and take what you need the last position
that makes you bleed

Listen and look what god has got for you
Hes the only one who has the fitting shoe
until you surrender you aer just collecting souls
No matter how shining everything false
Everything you want is going to be taken
But you have to make the last step to be taken
Dont have fear dont have hate
Cause if you do you stay in the shade
And you give back the souls you collected
and all your sins are neglected

There is no way to make this game
cause if you are the winner
you are mentally lame
just surrender and take what you need the last position
that makes you bleed

you may think you are the winner but the winner is got
cause they dont love you they love a black spot
show that you are weak
show that you are the last
make this last step and forget the past
if you dont do it god makes you bend
no game more to play no love to lend
Be proud to surrender even when its late
if you dont do it you stay forever in the shade

There is no way to make this game
cause if you are the winner
you are mentally lame
just surrender and take what you need the last position
that makes you bleed
Vpeace ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 28.10.2012, 12:26   #2
männlich Vpeace
Dabei seit: 10/2012
Ort: Forst
Alter: 44
Beiträge: 90

An die Redaktion: Könntet ihr das in Rap- Songtexte verschieben war eher als ein Song gedacht. Danke
Vpeace ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

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