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Forum durchsuchen: Beiträge von: tove
Forum: Internationale Gedichte 22.04.2021, 10:22
Antworten: 0
Hits: 325
Erstellt von tove
now I need a new one

you gave my life meaning and now I need a new one
haven't yet realized that you are now gone
spent half a year with you,
thought it'd be more
but I understand you don't love me anymore
and I...
Forum: Internationale Gedichte 22.04.2021, 10:13
Antworten: 1
Hits: 379
Erstellt von tove
there's something wrong with your head

you know there's something wrong with your head
when underweight won't seem light enough yet
you know there's something wrong with your head
when you cry as soon as you get into bed
you know...
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