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Forum: Internationale Gedichte 12.02.2022, 12:44
Antworten: 2
Hits: 986
Erstellt von resmagnifica
beautiful, fragile flower

she was a rose
in the hand of those
who had no intention
of giving her undivided attention.
for how pure, beautiful, flawless
she looks, she is.
truly cold-hearted and careless
they are,...
Forum: Internationale Gedichte 12.02.2022, 12:35
Antworten: 0
Hits: 806
Erstellt von resmagnifica
wishful thinking

Your body
Your soul
My body
My soul
Reuniting to one
No space in between
True lovers - we have been
In each other‘s amorevolous arms
we will remain affectionate, without harms
we will stay...
Forum: Internationale Gedichte 12.02.2022, 12:05
Antworten: 0
Hits: 666
Erstellt von resmagnifica
about letting slip the opportunity

(recommendation: listen to „waiting too long“ by hippie sabotage)

way too often, one realises, that one truly wanted or wants something, when the chance hasn‘t been taken and the opportunity is...
Forum: Internationale Gedichte 12.02.2022, 11:56
Antworten: 0
Hits: 608
Erstellt von resmagnifica
always remain cold ?!

„Always remain cold“
That thought is now old
I need a healing
I cannot stop feeling
What does that even mean?
I need my soul to be wiped clean
The belief in honesty - drained
The desire to be...
Forum: Internationale Gedichte 12.02.2022, 11:51
Antworten: 0
Hits: 335
Erstellt von resmagnifica
the art teacher - hands of Hephaistos

seemingly the most artsy person existing
saying artsy, creative in various aspects, in its meaning
being able to create totally on its own
as a king, he‘d personally build his throne

Forum: Internationale Gedichte 12.02.2022, 11:46
Antworten: 0
Hits: 653
Erstellt von resmagnifica
occasional loneliness

Occasional loneliness shows me
Lets me realise, lets me know
That I must stop denying
to having loved you
once for all
I sort of have

I even think I sometimes still do
But well, who?
Forum: Internationale Gedichte 12.02.2022, 01:41
Antworten: 1
Hits: 1.129
Erstellt von resmagnifica
mein kompliment - gefällt mir unglaublich gut....

mein kompliment - gefällt mir unglaublich gut. man kann sich sehr hineinfühlen in das, was du beschreibst, du findest exakt passende worte. weiter so! ;)
Zeige Ergebnis 1 bis 7 von 7


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