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Forum durchsuchen: Beiträge von: Bencomo
Forum: Internationale Gedichte 12.10.2017, 09:45
Antworten: 0
Hits: 498
Erstellt von Bencomo
I saw a child

I saw a child in a
wheelchair today
passing by my window.
His feet twisted and his arms
stubbornly moving about -
his face, turned up,
seemed to float up into the
tree to mingle with the...
Forum: Internationale Gedichte 12.10.2017, 09:37
Antworten: 0
Hits: 485
Erstellt von Bencomo
Woman in red

I'm the woman in red followed by
a blue river,
working, pacing, trembling through
the grey and black landscape
of your lies and fears,
barely surviving
your vivisection,
holding on to my own...
Forum: Internationale Gedichte 06.10.2017, 11:15
Antworten: 1
Hits: 532
Erstellt von Bencomo
The Promise

"I will fight for you
like a tiger"
is what you said to me.

And you kissed my mouth,
and you touched...
Forum: Internationale Gedichte 06.10.2017, 11:02
Antworten: 0
Hits: 513
Erstellt von Bencomo

If Orpheus had been
struck mute
by his loss

Would the desperate
Zeige Ergebnis 1 bis 4 von 4


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