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Forum durchsuchen: Beiträge von: RemsPhil
Forum: Internationale Gedichte 31.07.2021, 21:34
Antworten: 1
Hits: 285
Erstellt von RemsPhil

Please Dog, I need you to keep talking shit because I feed off of it. I am the complete opposite of you retard who spit these weak bars, I'ma leave carnage. Each thought will be so toxic, it will...
Forum: Kolumnen, Briefe und Tageseinträge 27.07.2021, 18:21
Antworten: 1
Hits: 702
Erstellt von RemsPhil
Never love again

I could be with anybody, I choose you. Still, it's no excuse to abuse you. But no one knows what I'm going through, so I'd use you. To be truthful, I wouldn't know what to do if I lose you. So I...
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